This includes the abcD (Artists' Book Collection Dundee) and the Scottish Arts Council Print Bequest. These collections are part of the University of Dundee Museum. You can access by appointment. Email to book an appointment.
The Artists' Books Collection Dundee (abcD) was founded in 1999 as the Centre for Artists' Books, originally located in the Visual Research Centre at Dundee Contemporary Arts. In 2018 abcD was relocated to the Library of DJCAD but is still managed by Museum Services.
Click to view the abcD database and select Artists’ Books Collection Dundee from the 'Collection Name’ menu on the left before searching.
These pages provide information on the collection of artists' books held in the National Art Library and access to a Visual Database of a selection of artists' books in the collection. They also provide information on the origins and development of artists' books, interviews with contemporary book artists, a bibliography for further reading, and web-links to other sources of information.
You can also visit the DJCAD Library to view a selection of 'Artists' Books' on display within the DJCAD Library archive cabinets in the Finlay Room. Contact to book an appointment to visit the Finlay Room.
More information is available from Museum collections and Museum exhibitions.
You can also try out Museum Collections Online Search.
Try Library Search - type in 'Artists' books', then filter under 'Books' then filter by 'DJCAD Library' then filter 'Sort by' and select the 'Date-Newest' option from the drop down list Here's the search started for you - Library Search: Artists' Books at DJCAD Library.