A literature search is a thorough search of all types of published materials including books, journal articles and webpages which shows good quality references relevant to a specific topic.
("clock success' by flazingo photos is licensed under CC BY_SA 2.0)
To do a good literature search, you need:
You have to think very carefully about what you want to search for. Then stay focussed.
Have a look at your resource list on your MyDundee module. There will be useful books, journal articles and other resources to help you get started.
To search effectively you need a clear understanding of the topics you want to search for. Here's an example question:
"Is Obesity associated with insulin resistance in teenagers?"
1. Break the question down into the key topics you need to search for:
"Is Obesity associated with insulin resistance in teenagers?"
2. Try and think of alternative words and phrases (synonyms)