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Resource Lists

A guide for academic staff on Resource Lists


When the list is ready, please 'Publish' it (see option next to Edit, at top right of list), and then Click on the 'Library Review' button, which will send the List to Library staff for content checking, digitizations and purchasing

what does it mean?


when the list is in draft, list can be edited, created and updated. List is not visible to students
published when the list is published, list is visible to students and can be seen on mydundee module
locked when the list is locked, this is a previous version and no changes can be made to locked lists
library review send a published or near published list for library review means library staff will check content, digitisations and purchase new books if required
digitisation You can request one chapter from a hardcopy book we have in our library collection or one article from a journal issue that is unavailable online or in your journal collections. This helps students to get access to relevant information that might have been otherwise difficult to see. Library staff will attempt to provide a digitised copy of this paper and add it to the relevant resource. 
rollover At the end of every semester or academic year, Resource Lists are rolled over. This allows for a new draft version of the same list that can be edited before made available to students. Analytics will begin again at zero.This is a separate process from MyDundee rollover.
LTI link Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) allows for the resource list to be launched within the learning platform MyDundee. 
course association This is the module code details we use from MyDundee to ensure the resource list for the correct academic year and correct semester is 'associated' with the module in MyDundee.