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Open Access Resources

A list of online resources and tools to help you access journal articles while off-campus.

Open Access Resources

Are you trying to access journal articles and other research publications off-campus? Do you keep hitting paywalls?

Use Library Search or log-in to the journal website using your University of Dundee details to see if we have subscription access. If the Library does not have a subscription to the journal you can try searching for an Open Access version of the article using some of the tools listed in this LibGuide.

Open Access refers to the unrestricted, online access to published research outputs. Published articles, or earlier manuscript versions, are available online through institutional repositories, open access databases, and publishers websites. We have compiled a list of resources that making finding open access versions of articles easy.

No library has access to every journal and the same is true for these open access resources. You may want to consider using more than one to ensure your search for articles is as wide as possible.

Discovery Research Portal

Discovery Research Portal is the University of Dundee's online collection of published research material.

It contains over 40,000 records of research outputs by University of Dundee staff, dating back 50 years. Institutional repositories like the Discovery Research Portal are a great source of accepted manuscripts and open access versions of articles, conference papers, book chapters, data, and much more.


Re3Data is a resource for finding research data.

It offers detailed information on more than 2,000 research data repositories, making it the most comprehensive source of reference for research data infrastructures globally.

Re3Data logo


EThOS(E-theses Online Service) is the UK's national thesis service.

It provides access to over 500,000 theses awarded by institutions from across the UK either through a downloadable digital copy or a link to the awarding institution's own repository. EThOS holds theses dating back to 1800 and around 3000 new records are added every month.

British Library EThOS e-theses online service logo

Open Library of Humanities

The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is an online platform that publishes 27 fully open access, peer-reviewed journals from across the Humanities disciplines. Articles on the OLH website are free for readers to access, read, download, and share.

Authors can also publish their articles without paying a fee, as the OLH is funded by an international consortium of libraries dedicated to increasing open access scholarship within the Humanities.

Open Library of Humanities logo

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) is a service that indexes high quality, peer reviewed Open Access research journals, periodicals and their articles metadata.

It has a curated list of around 13,000 open access journals and aims to cover all publications that meet DOAJ's high standards of Open Access best practice.

DOAJ logo

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. 

With over 90,000 academic peer-reviewed books, users can browse by subject, language, or publisher. 

Where possible, the Library incorporates these titles into the results of Library Search, particularly when the texts are more recent E-books, published as Open Access titles.


OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) can be used to search through thousands of open access repositories at once.

To be included in OpenDOAR, repositories must meet a set of criteria that ensures open access to reliable, quality research material from across the globe.

OpenDOAR logo