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Altmetric at Dundee: Who's talking about your research?

A guide on how to make use of Altmetrics

Ensure your articles are tracked.

Mosaic of people talking

Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

Get your research out there. If people know about your research, they talk about it and you can track that attention.

Deposit your articles
Make sure you deposit your articles and other research outputs in Discovery Research Portal. (We send the publication records from Discovery to Altmetric weekly so they can ensure they are listed and tracked).
Mention specific articles
When you tweet, blog, facebook, etc. aim to mention specific articles and research outputs.
Include a direct link
To be tracked by Altmetric it is best to include a direct link to the article using a unique identifier (you can still then use a link shortener like bitly or Twitter's own).
Use the best link
The best link to use is the DOI URL (the prefix '' followed by the DOI number - turns the DOI into a hyperlink) e.g.

If the research paper doesn't have a DOI, use the reference details eg. Article title, journal title and a URL.

Ensure your blog posts are tracked.


Scrabble letters spelling the word blog on brown wood table.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Tell Altmetric about the blog
Chances are, if a blog is new or not part of a larger blogs network, Altmetric might not be tracking it yet.
Send a request email to and Altmetric will consider it for inclusion in their blogs database.
Altmetric track blogs via their RSS feeds so if it is your own blog make sure your site's feed is available and functioning properly.
Always include links to the articles that you reference
If you blog about research, the best way to make sure that the posts get picked up by Altmetric is to include a direct link to the article.