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Linking to the full text of Journal Articles, starting from Library Search

This section of the guide is to help with understanding the processes of linking from your results in Library Search, through to the actual full text of a journal article. 

The login process for off campus users is described in  Step by Step Guides (Powerpoint or Word document). 

Some examples of the off campus instructions to look out for are shown, and there is a brief guide to downloading full text articles.

Guides to linking to the full text of Journal articles - Step by step instructions

Linking to Journal articles off Campus - main tips

  • When you are away from the University campus, linking to online resources usually involves logging into the publisher's site, in order to show that you are entitled to use the University of Dundee subscribed resources.
  • Often, all you will see is the University of Dundee login box, where you put in your standard University username and password.

Some Publishers and Suppliers ask you to login using the Institutional login process when you are off campus.  This means you need to look for a login option called one of the following (note, do not select the OpenAthens option, as we do not use this method at Dundee)

  • Institutional login
  • Sign in via your Institution
  • Shibboleth login
  • UK federation 

Some typical examples are shown below : 

In the example above, from an EBSCO database,  you are directed to Select your region or group

You will be asked to choose your Federation (UK Federation) and your Institution (University of Dundee), as below


In another example (from Elsevier journals), choose to Sign in via your Institution, choosing  Other Institution (followed by UK Federation, and University of Dundee)


The above example (from the Solcara database) click on the link next to the Shibboleth icon (the small dragon), and you will be prompted to sign in as usual.



Journal articles - Downloading & Printing



  • When you reach the journal article website, look out for the  icon for the PDF version (which can be saved and downloaded to your computer or device, ready for printing, if required)
  • You can also take advantage of other useful features at this point, such as the option to Download the Citation (for your Booklist or Bibliography)