Library Search allows you to search all our print and the majority of our online books. It will show you if the book is currently available and how you can access the title. If you would like to recommend a new title or additional copies of an existing book, use our More Books service for students.
Our online books are supplied by a wide range of publishers, and sometimes it is useful to search within particular collections, some of which are listed below. Further collections are listed in the A-Z list of Eresources - filter the list to 'Resource type' = E-book. All our online books can be read wherever you have internet access. Many can also be downloaded for offline reading.
Hover over the book cover to see the title/author details and select to view in Library Search, then sign in to view availability and location of print texts and if available as an e-book, access the full text.
All our online, or electronic books (with the exception of Historical texts), will be found in the Library Search Service. Sometimes it is useful to search particular publisher or supplier collections, and these below are the most relevant for English and Film studies.
The award-winning Drama Online introduces new writers alongside the most iconic names in playwriting history, providing contextual and critical background through scholarly works and practical guides.
For off-campus access login via Shibboleth with your University of Dundee username and password
For off campus access use your University of Dundee username and password
For off campus access select Login through your Library or Institution, UK region and University of Dundee
For off-campus access use your University of Dundee username and password
The Nick Hern Books Modern Plays collection includes 600 plays from many of the UK and Ireland’s preeminent playwrights, as well as exciting new voices. It offers a wide and varied range of award-winning and widely studied plays, and is continually updated with new works fresh from leading theatres.
For off-campus access login via Shibboleth with your University of Dundee username and password.
For off-campus access select 'sign in' and then "sign in via your Institution' . From the list, select University of Dundee and sign in with your username and password.
Oxford Reference is an online reference database, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias
For off campus access select "Login with Athens/Access Management Federation", find University of Dundee and login with username and password.
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is the national record of people who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century. The Dictionary offers over 60,000 concise, up-to-date biographies written by named, specialist authors.
For off campus access select Sign in via your Institution then select University of Dundee and log in with your username and password.