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Reading & Resource Lists

A guide for academic staff on Resource Lists

Adding resources to Reading & Resource Lists

There are 3 ways to add resources to your Resource List:

  1. through Library Search for our hardcopy collections and eresources (either from within Resource List software or from Library Search)
  2. through the Cite It! button for any web resources
  3. Occasionally, you may need to add a resource manually

Follow the instructions/videos below

1. Adding Resources from Library Search

Learn how to add resources to your resource list that are available from the library through Library Search.

If you're searching in Library Search, you can add resources directly to Resource Lists:

Search for resource.

Click on ...

select Reading List

You may be prompted to sign in (with your UoD  username and password)

Reselect Reading List

You can save item directly to your resource list from pull down menu or to your collection. You can drag & drop to resource list later on.

2. Cite it! Button

It's easy to add any web based resource to your resource list once you have installed the Cite it! bookmarklet to your browser bookmark bar. To do this:

Click on your initials in top right hand corner.

Click on Cite It!

graphic instruction on adding cite it button

Cite It! will automatically harvest the title, URL, and other details. Remember to check for accuracy when adding resources to your list.

* to make your bookmark bar visible on your browser - Chrome, Edge

How to add resources to your list using Cite it! function

Have you found a great webpage, youtube video that you'd like to add to your resource list? Use the cite it! button to add these resources really easily.

3. How to manually add a resource to your Reading & Resource Lists

Occasionally, you might need to add a resource manually. For instance, t could be that the Cite it! button doesn't work with a particular publisher. Follow these steps to add a manual resource:

  1. Log into required resource list
  2. Click Add Items
  3. Click on Blank Form option
  4. First of all choose template from type: pull down menu
  5. Type in details to fill template (the bare minimum is the details the students need to create a reference
  6. Add to correct list and section.
  7. Click Add

Make sure item is in right place on resource list.